welcome! this is my little space for keeping track of various things, whether that be information on my stuffed animals, quotes, my artwork, and well.. basically whatever i want. it's not really anyone elses business but my own but feel free to peruse. have a good day!

i find purpose in creating art. i'm always searching for new ways to expand my artistic capabilities, and i suppose even this website is an example of such pursuit! :-) painting, collage, ceramics, fabric art, woodworking & photography are all things i've invested time into learning, although i can't say i possess particular skill in any of these. i would like to at some point acquaint myself with kinetic sculpture, metalworking and to further my knowledge in puppet making. beyond the visual arts, i also enjoy writing and music has always interested me but i seem to be terrible at it in practice... currently im still looking for an accordion teacher as i have my own very nice accordion named hermey that i would like to get to know.
i believe in living an honest life and i see the world with loving eyes. we must give back to the earth, the divine and to our fellow creatures through good deeds, love and respect. i want to learn to live by ways of old and provide for myself ; hunting, fishing, gardening, cooking; these are all things that interest me. i believe everything and everyone has a purpose, that life is determined by fate. i also thoroughly enjoy cynicism and the derived idea of cosmopolitanism; diogenes is by far my favourite philosopher.
hi! im 18 and i do stuff sometimes. i dream of one day ruling the world (be prepared....) im also very stupid

(one day there will be a chat here hopefully so you can comment !)